سارعوا بتحميل التطبيق lextream الجديد مع أكود تفعيل مجاناا لمشاهدة جميع القنوات المشفرة
Application features
Extreme: 1. The first worldwide application for watching satellite channels is a live broadcast.
2. Supports all devices and operating media including Android, DreamBox and many more
3. Do not find in the channels a wonderful steady cutting program.
Contains playlists for all channels inside the server
For example (Arabic channels _ channels movies _ sports channels)
4. Supports running Lxtream menus and you can search like this
Contains EPG manual daily programs.
6. It has a search feature on the channels and find your favorite channel with ease to see the favorites
Explanation of the application on YouTube
:Download the application
:Download activation code
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