
سارعوا بتحميل التطبيق lextream الجديد مع أكود تفعيل مجاناا لمشاهدة جميع القنوات المشفرة

سارعوا بتحميل التطبيق lextream الجديد مع أكود تفعيل مجاناا لمشاهدة جميع القنوات المشفرة

سارعوا بتحميل التطبيق lextream الجديد مع أكود تفعيل مجاناا لمشاهدة جميع القنوات المشفرة

Many of you are looking for the famous and well known Lxtream application that you have tried to watch many satellite channels as well. It also does not need to install any other programs in addition to its ease of use. It also has more than 5000 channels. And contains most of the popular Arabic channels including MBC channels, a variety of channels and news channels such as Al Jazeera News Channel and many other channels that I will let you discover by yourself. And also looking for a way to run this application giant will give you the latest version of the application and the way it runs, today we offer you the application with a file that runs properly

Application features

Extreme: 1. The first worldwide application for watching satellite channels is a live broadcast.

2. Supports all devices and operating media including Android, DreamBox and many more

3. Do not find in the channels a wonderful steady cutting program.

Contains playlists for all channels inside the server

For example (Arabic channels _ channels movies _ sports channels)

4. Supports running Lxtream menus and you can search like this

Contains EPG manual daily programs.

6. It has a search feature on the channels and find your favorite channel with ease to see the favorites

Explanation of the application on YouTube

:Download the application

:Download activation code

ألعاب وتطبيقات الأندرويد
كاتب المقالة
كاتب ومحرر اخبار اعمل في موقع androidapp .

جديد قسم : xtream

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